Register on Ad5


What are the advantages of registering an Ad5??

You can post as many ads as you want. Please note that one advertisement may not be sent twice under the same heading. If this is determined during the internal control, then the duplicate advertisement will be deleted without a warning.

Quick and easy posting of ads

Your personal data is automatically linked to your advertisement. So you save a lot of time.

You update the date with just one click (without change)

For example. you have not yet sold the product or you have not found what you are looking for and you want to repeat the ad unchanged.
This feature allows your ad to keep today's date. Like an ad that has just been sent, your ad moves up.

Deactivation of advertisements

For example. If you want to temporarily withdraw the ads from the search

Reactivation of ads

For example. If you want to re-enter the deactivated ads in the search

Deletion of advertisements

For example. If you finally don't need a deactivated ad

Change of advertisements

You can change the text during the display of the ad. You can conveniently and selectively change the saved text without re-entering all the information.


All your ads in one list

Easy to update listings

How can I delete my account??

In the field „user info“ on the home page you will find the link „change

How can I register on Ad5??

On the home page, click on „register“. There, fill in the form with the required data. Make sure you have filled in all the fields marked with * and that you have activated the box „I accept the conditions for usage“.
Complete the registration process by clicking on „register“.
If the username you entered already exists, you can add it, for example, with a single number. Please note that in this case you have to re-enter the password and re-accept the terms of operation and data protection provisions. warning: Right down to the username, you can change all the data at a later time.
You will now receive the activation link by email. Click on the link to complete your registration. Now you can at any time with your e-mail address/your username and the password that you have you have chosen to opt-in to Ad5 and post your ads and manage.

Password protection tips

Please note the following precautions:
Keep your password secret and do not share it with others.
Avoid using the same password that you use for other websites.
If you have the impression that an unauthorized person has discovered your password, change your password immediately and notify them


Your email will not be displayed. Instead, the potential client can write to you via a contact form or in a detailed case via e-mail.

I did not receive a confirmation email

There are many-mail suppliers automatically sort advertising emails, so-called SPAM emails, as junk from your inbox. Often the emails sent for our forms by the suppliers are filtered as SPAM. Under the menu item „My ads“->„Ad management“ you can request the email again. As a registered member you can send ads directly through the website, email confirmation is omitted.

How much does an ad cost??

Advertising Reklama5 is free, but for security reasons Profile Verification is mandatory. The cost of verification is 98 day + VAT (116 day.) for 1 year ( 12 months, from the day of payment ). After you verify it, *you can 1 year to enter ads for free and also for free change your listings. In total you can manage up to 100 ads on an annual basis. Renewal of advertisements is charged additionally.


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Your Email
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Message text
Enter the correct result

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