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ADR bags set
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20.05.2024 20:14

Kavadarci / Kavadarci

Item condition

ADR bags new at an extra price. 1. Rubber htz boots 2. Htz raincoat 3. Protective helmet 4. Rubber gloves 5. Protective glasses 6. Protective gas mask 7. Protective vest 8. Rubberized led flashlight 9. Eye wash (validity 2 years) 10. Regulations for use of ADR equipment ***Discount applies for larger quantities*** In addition, we also have -ADR drills (gold) with two 6V batteries -ADR asbestos blanket -ADR shovel -ADR tarpaulin 1m x 1m for the shaft -ADR bricks -ADR boards - ADR boards - Kicks - PP apparatus 6 kg - ADR powder * at extra prices...

Category: Мotor vehicles / Trucks

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